Hush by Cherry Adair is a fantastic and all consuming! Zak is a hero, and doesn't want to be. He has a past that haunts him and he doesn't want anyone to count on him.
Gideon is Zak's older brother, who wants to be a hero...
Acadia is a women that lives a safe, predictable life...that is until she comes in to a large sum of money. For the first time in her life, she goes out of her comfort zone...and her life is changed forever.
Zak, Gid and Acadia are plunged into a life threatening situation that they might not all make it out of.
If being chased through jungles, dealing with unsavory 'officials', things blowing up, being shot at and not knowing who to trust is just your cup of tea...throw in steamy sex, subtle humor and an unexpected twist, and you have Cherry Adair's Hush.
I highly recommend Hush to anyone that likes action, drama, romance and intrigue in their choice of literature!

5 out of 5 stars


'Chasing Fire' by Nora Roberts is, yet again, another smashing hit for Nora Roberts. I did find the beginning to be a bit slow. There was a lot of 'just getting to know' the characters and their stories. I started out thinking that I was going to be disappointed with this book, but once the action started, I had trouble putting the book down.
All of the backstory and becoming familiarized with the characters paid off in the end. There are a lot of characters in this story and without the 'getting to know' the characters, you would have had a hard time keeping up with everyone.
I usually don't like so many characters in a story because of the fact that it gets confusing. But Nora Roberts did an excellent job helping us to get to know each and every character.
Rowan and Gull are great characters, as are all of them, but you can't help but be excited for their story. It's always great to watch when two strong characters come together. Rowan and Gull are both independent people that have a full life on their own, so to see the relationship form between them, as equals, is fun and exciting. There are no weak characters that require someone else to make them complete. Instead of being the missing 'part' of their lives, they are complimentary and enhance each other.
I would recommend this book to anyone that loves a good love story, a good mystery and a good story of friendship. While I felt it started slowly, there was no other way it would have worked as well!

5 out of 5 stars


Author Stefne Miller’s book, ‘Salvaged’ is a truly beautiful reading experience. Attie survived the accident that took the life of her mother and her best friend, but the unseen wounds are worse than any she suffered physically. The Lord surrounds Attie with people that love her and want to help her, if she’ll let them. Her main champion is Riley, the twin brother of Attie’s best friend that died in the accident. Riley is still dealing with his own pain when Attie comes to live with him and his parents for the summer. He is determined to help Attie through her pain while still dealing with his own. Not only must they work through the tragedy of losing loved ones to a horrific accident, but they must also deal with survivor’s guilt and everyday life. You will fall in love with Attie and Riley from the start.
Salvaged is a lesson in healing, forgiveness, unconditional love and finding your way. It is beautifully written and the journey from the beginning to the end is a spiritual awakening. You get to hear the story from both Attie and Riley’s point of view; tying the story together wonderfully. My only regret in reading this book was that I didn’t allow myself enough time to read it in one sitting. It was hard to put down and I couldn’t wait to get back to it.

5 out of 5 stars